Photo of President of the European Parliament. Mr David Sassoli

President Of The European Parliament To EDA: “I Look Forward To Cooperating With You”

The newly elected President of the European Parliament. Mr David Sassoli expressed his “strong commitment to build a more inclusive and accessible Europe, which is one of the main priorities of our legislature.”

At the opening of the European Dyslexia Association (EDA) seminar in Vaxjö (Sweden), the president of the EDA, Michael Kalmar received a message from the newly elected President of the European Parliament. Mr David Sassoli expressed his “strong commitment to build a more inclusive and accessible Europe, which is one of the main priorities of our legislature.”

About dyslexia and specific learning disability, Mr Sassoli said: “Today millions of citizens are still excluded from school and employment in Europe as dyslexia and specific learning disorders are often poorly dealt with.” Although Education is not one of the main competencies of the Union, the President wants to facilitate access to better education conditions for all: “In the field of education, the European Union must promote and develop equal access for all with active and effective policies.”

Aware that access to jobs is a key issue for all Europeans, he asked for a higher commitment of European institution for equal access to the work market. “Europe must create a more favourable environment for access to employment opportunities in order to overcome the barriers that people with dyslexia or other specific learning disorders too often experience.” The President expressed the wish to develop cooperation with European Dyslexia Association and concluded his message: “I look forward to cooperating with you to achieve our common goal”.

Michael Kalmar, chairman of EDA, answered Mr Sassoli : “You can count, Mr President on the commitment of EDA and its members organisations to work closely with European Parliament to promote a more inclusive Europe”.

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